#BecauseICan – Building a mindset

These workshops and keynote presentations focus on developing resilience and overcoming challenges. They take on many of the psychological issues faced by young people today:

  • the need for an immediate solution
  • wanting to quit
  • responding to change
  • mental health.

The presentations are delivered by inspirational people who have all forged their own paths and developed practical tools for dealing with and overcoming these challenges.

The key practical tips and coping strategies are illustrated by the back stories of our team.

The Science of Adventure – Inspiring STEM subjects

It is becoming clear many of the challenges we face globally are going to be solved by technology and energy solutions that don’t yet exist. The development of these solutions starts with the desire of young people to want to solve them which in turn requires that they study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) based subjects.

This programme utilises the teams’ expeditions and aid mission to highlight how STEM subjects play a critical role in every aspect of adventure. Questions such as:

  • how does the rally raider navigate 7500km across the desert without GPS?
  • why is that jacket waterproof?
  • why can’t you breathe on the top of Everest?

These engaging workshops light the spark of interest joining the dots between academic study, real world adventure and ultimately career opportunities.

The future of the programme

The aim of the Foundation is to create a network of ambassadors who can be accessed by any educational and youth organisations – in order to deliver inspirational workshops and events which inspire the next generation to be a part of their own solution.


Find out more about the Sandstone Charitable Foundation,
and read our latest news.

Donate or book

Encouraging the development of the life skills which young people will require whatever career they choose

The charitable objective of the Sandstone Foundation SCIO is 'to advance the education (including social and physical training) of young persons (below the age of 25)'. If you want to donate to our charitable efforts, or if you want to explore the opportunity of booking a visit to your school or college, please get in touch.

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