The science of adventure crop

The Sandstone Foundation

The Science of Adventure

Our aims

The Sandstone Foundation SCIO inspires young people to be a part of their own solution and to focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

“This was a fantastic afternoon and evening. In the afternoon, the discussion generated around the equipment Tim needed was really high quality. The young people were asking and thinking about some high level science questions. It was really impressive. Our parents, who attended in the evening, really appreciated the messages about resilience. This has been a targeted area since lockdown and we all felt that this was an interesting way to engage the young people in that idea.”

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There is little government or private money spent in the UK in schools and colleges on attempting to fit pupils’ and students’ skills and abilities to their possible future careers.

There is even less, often none, spent on encouraging the development of the life skills which young people will require whatever career they choose, the key skills required being the maintenance of motivation, resilience in adversity and the maintenance of good mental health.

The Foundation seeks to fill these gaps by delivering inspirational talks and workshops to schools and colleges, which focus on:

  • developing and maintaining a ‘becauseican’ mindset, encouraging pupils and students to learn how to ’become a part of their own solution’ by focusing on what they can (rather than what they cannot) do
  • joining the dots between key STEM and other subjects in academic life and possible future careers
  • how to overcome adversity and develop resilience, whatever career is selected
  • how poor mental health can impact performance, and what to do about that.


School feedback for our recent STEM presentation

"It was great, we enjoyed it and the boys loved it too.”


"An excellent idea to follow Tim’s journey- marking on a map at school but also sharing information with the parents on how to follow Tim would be good. Very inspiring & motivational - never give up theme shone through.”


"I loved it all. I really liked seeing all the equipment Tim needs and I’m looking forward to seeing him as he’s on the rally.”


"This was a fantastic afternoon and evening. In the afternoon, the discussion generated around the equipment Tim needed was really high quality.”

School STEM presentation

These presentations, talks and workshops are delivered without charge. Contact us if you want to donate to our charitable efforts, or if you want to explore the opportunity of booking a visit to your school or college. The Sandstone Foundation SCIO is registered in Scotland No. SC052153

Our corporate trustee and founder

Sandstone Communications

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We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients.

Find out more about the Sandstone Charitable Foundation,
and read our latest news.

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Encouraging the development of the life skills which young people will require whatever career they choose

The charitable objective of the Sandstone Foundation SCIO is 'to advance the education (including social and physical training) of young persons (below the age of 25)'. If you want to donate to our charitable efforts, or if you want to explore the opportunity of booking a visit to your school or college, please get in touch.

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